Payment Terms

Payment Terms

The following payment methods are accepted worldwide:
-Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express)
-Money Order

The following payment methods are accepted in the United States only:
-Cash on Delivery

Please notify us as soon as possible if you need to cancel an item. Payment will be refunded to your selected method of payment (if applicable).

Items will not be shipped until the payment has cleared, please keep this in mind when choosing to pay via check or money order. We reserve the right to hold any shipment as a precaution if we believe the payment may be fraudulent.

We reserve the right to reverse a payment for any reason including, but not limited to:
-Fraudulent payment
-No Inventory
-Undeliverable Shipping Address
-Any conditions we consider in violation of our Terms of Use

If you have any questions regarding accepted payment methods, payment terms, or any other top related to payment not specified here, please contact us at